Monday, October 29, 2012

Final Draft of My Introduction

Chapter 1


A. Background of the Study


Korean dramas are full of entertainment, with dramatic plots, adorable and handsome male actors, both main and supporting, and have always a pretty leading lady!

Korean drama refers to TV series, it was produced in the Korean language for Korean audiences and it is also available with English subtitles for other viewers. Many of these dramas become popular throughout Asia, especially in the Philippines and have contributed to the general uniqueness of the Korean wave. Most Korean drama series has also become popular throughout East Asian countries such as Japan, China, and Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand.

Korean dramas are typically involve conflicts such as marital relationships, relationships between in-laws, and sometimes, a complicated love triangle, there is also a lot of comedy that would make you laugh. All Korean dramas are now released and available in DVD copies worldwide.

Korean DVDS are now released with English subtitles for the viewers around the world. Korean TV dramas have recently become popular in the United States, among Asian Americans and older viewers, many of them see these dramas as an alternative in their violent and racy content of soap operas.

Korean stars' faces today have become familiar throughout Asia. Some popular Korean dramas such as Dae Jang Geum (“The Jewel in the Palace”) have also showcased the traditional Korean ways of life.

The overwhelming success of South Korean dramas served as a major tourism attraction in South Korea. Many fans from the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan Indonesia and China became touristy and a lot of people group themselves to see the drama studios and the filming location of big productions.

Korean drama has become very popular all over the world because of its soap operas. Korean writers have been exercising their creative muscles on writing and a lot of people noticed it. The guys behind the production are also doing their homework. The result is that a best production that really seen by many people and add Korean flavor to it, which surprisingly attached to the viewers around the world. (

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what’s making Korean dramas really attractive to the mass. But one thing’s for sure even, Korean producers are sticking to the age-old recipe of good writing coupled with great production and casting. Try to watch Korean dramas, and you will really find it very interesting and enjoyable.

Abacan says Filipinos love Koreanovelas because they can relate to the stories.

"Filipinos love drama and stories that we can relate to. Most of the time, the Korean dramas are quite escapist and moving. Aside from the touching plotlines, the production is really a visual experience of places that most of us are not accustomed to seeing," he said. (

Instead of dealing only to the Korean culture, this research paper focuses on both Filipino and Korean dramas.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1. How Korean dramas have influenced Philippine culture to some extent?

C. Significance of the Study

Viewers. Viewers around the world would benefit from this study because they would be able to make use of the information in this research paper in looking of the movies or dramas they are interested to.

Fans. This paper would help the fans of Korean dramas to know more about their interest and likes. They could be motivated to demonstrate their involvement in this area of interests through certain behaviors.

Future Researchers. This study can help the future researchers to do the same studies. It also helps to make the study easier.

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on how Korean dramas influence the worldwide viewers. Korean dramas have been considered since it has been widely accepted by all ages.

This study will emphasize on how Korean drama influence the Filipino viewers. This study will not only focus on Korean drama but it also emphasizes how Korean drama become popular in the Philippines.

E. Materials and Method

This research paper uses a descriptive method since the researchers aim to discuss the adaptation of Korean dramas to Filipino dramas.

Information relevant to this study was gathered from different reference materials such as blogs, magazines and articles from online sources. In addition, a die-hard fan of Korean dramas who really into it was interviewed to strengthen the conclusion of this study.

F. Definition of Terms

Korean drama. K-drama for short, refers to televised dramas, in a miniseries format, produced in South Korea. (

Ch'oyong. Is a traditional drum dance of Korea.

Sandae. Is the masked dance. (

Philippine drama.
Is a television form of melodramatic serialized fiction. It is rooted from two words: "tele", which is short for "television," and "serye", a Tagalog term for "series" and "drama" for drama. (

Is an action, event or activity that aims to entertain, amuse and interest an audience. ( 

Zarzuela. is a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes, the latter incorporating operatic and popular song, as well as dance. (

Exercise 2 - Outline


I.                    Introduction

II.                  Korean Dramas on Early Days

a.       History
                                                               i.      Ch’oyong
                                                             ii.      Sandae

III.                Entertainment: Philippines

a.       Philippine drama
b.      Entertainment

IV.                Filipinos love Koreanovelas

a.       Korean Dramas on Hulu : Why I’m addicted
b.      6 Reasons why I love watching Korean dramas/series

V.                  Koreanovelas : Can change your life
a.       How Koreanovelas Changed My Life

Outline for my Research Paper

Original Topic: Korean Dramas
Specific Topic: Influence of Koreanovelas

I.                    Introduction

A.      Introduction
B.      Statement of the Problem
C.      Significance of the Study
                                                               i.      Viewers
                                                             ii.      Fans
                                                            iii.      Future Researchers
D.      Scope and Delimitation
E.       Material and Method
F.       Definition of Term
                                                               i.      Korean drama
                                                             ii.      Ch’oyong
                                                            iii.      Sandae
                                                           iv.      Philippine drama
                                                             v.      Entertainment

II.                  Discussion

A.      Definition and Types
B.      Influence of Korean Drama
                                                               i.      Philippine drama
                                                             ii.      Viewers

III.                Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

A.      Summary
B.      Conclusions
C.      Recommendations

IV.                References

Exercise 1 - Formal Language


As I was surfing the net to read some posts about Koreanovelas. I came across to this article on How Koreanovelas Changed My Life posted by wenasadorra. She's not a Korean, actually she's a Filipina, a pure Filipina that Korean things are included in her life now. Dae Jang Geum is the first Korean Drama she watched and her first window towards understanding Korea beyond its name. She never imagined being deeply attached to Korea and its culture through something she thought would just be her regular past time. I have seen growing interest by Filipinos toward Korean dramas.


Posts about Koreanovelas can be read by someone while surfing the net. An article called How Koreanovelas Changed My Life which is posted by Wenasadorra. A pure Filipina that all Korean things are included with Wenasadorra. The first Koreanovela that the writer watched is Dae Jang Geum and that experience is the way towards the understanding Korean beyond its name of the writer. Being deeply attached to Korea and its culture is never imagined by Wenasadorra thought would just be her regular past time.

Koreanovelas: Can change your life

There are some simple questions I like to know:
  • Does Koreanovelas change your life?
  • How it was changed?
    And as I looked for an answer to my questions, I came across in this article. It stated here that some Filipinos are most likely fond and attractive to Korean culture. Some of Filipinos are living in Korea, some are attracted to their culture, and some are using their products and accessories. Everything about it is part of their life now. 

    Wenasadorra and Jang Geum in Minsukchon, Yongin, Korea

    This article on How Koreanovelas Changed My Life posted by wenasadorra can tell some of her experience with Korean things. She's not a Korean, actually she's a Filipina, a pure Filipino that Korean things are included in her life now. Dae Jang Geum is the first Korean Drama she watched and her first window towards understanding Korea beyond its name. She never imagined being deeply attached to Korea and its culture through something she thought would just be her regular past time.

    And beside the questions I asked for, these are some questions I still looking forward to have an answer.

    • What if Korean Dramas will not aired on Philippine TV?
    • Would you still find a way to watch it?
    • Have you experienced without watching it?
    Hope I'll be able to answer my questions that I'd like to know more about, for the topic I chose.

    ‘Still largely unfamiliar’
    But the study found that “traditional Korean culture and language are still largely unfamiliar to Filipinos.” Me too, I still don't know more about Korean culture but I really love the things about it, like, Korean songs, dramas and even accessories. I could spend my money buying those pretty stuffs, I could learn to speak their language, and I could adapt their culture.

    If I were to give my own conclusions on this article, most Filipinos probably can't live without the Korean things. So they intended to get into Korean things for them to adapt their culture. Some of them use/buy pretty stuffs from Korea, watch their dramas, and listen to their music. Some of Filipinos today are now attached and attracted to Koreans. They never think to be like that, thought would just be their regular past time.

    See link below: 

    Filipinos love Koreanovelas

    Why Korean dramas are more titillating than Filipino dramas?

    What are the things or reasons why we Filipinos addicted to watching Korean Dramas? Why Korean entertainment attained a great success worldwide, especially in the Philippines? Well, I guess, getting into a Korean drama world may seem like entering into a Wonderland. A fan like me find a piece of reality in that Fantasy.

    As I looked for an article about the topic I'm supposed to write, I saw this article entitled Korean dramas on Hulu: Why I'm addicted, I wonder why some people watch and become addicted to Korean soap operas. It says that at first you will hate Korean dramas until you watch it and make yourself realize that it is really fascinating not only because of the actresses and actors who plays the part/role of the character and has a catching looks but of the story that could be done in real life.

    As I was surfing the net, I saw this 6 Reasons Why I love Watching Korean Dramas/Series. In this article, it says that the Filipino drama's story really happens in life and has also the same themes all over again so that the watchers is no longer interested in watching it while the Korean drama's story is rarely happens and I realized that there are simple experiences in our lives to be seen in the TV and hits our heart slowly.

    Just like what the writer of the article said, "Most Korean Dramas have their stories and episodes well-planned before they start shooting. Too lengthen the episodes, I believe, rarely happens. Since there are also a few characters, viewers can easily go with the flow of the story. Unlike our local shows, there are many subplots, and when it happens, a new character comes or a character dies/disappears. The story becomes complicated and sometimes too draggy, that most of the times it lasts for a year."

    I agree with this statement of the writer "So when Korean Dramas (we call it koreanovelas) are aired in the Philippines, and become a hit, local shows started shortening their air time" yes, it is true. When the Philippine TV aired some Korean dramas, the local shows become unwanted. That's why there are now a lot of Filipino people who are addicted in watching Korean dramas.

    Korean Dramas enamour the Filipinos heart

    I've been fascinated watching Korean dramas the first time it was aired on Philippine TV. I got glued in their dramas.

    Have you been attracted to Korean dramas? How did you notice that you're becoming addicted into it?

    As I was surfing the net, I came across in this article entitled Korean Dramas Continue to Captivate the Philippines wrote by Jonathan M. Hicap a Korea times correspondent.

    It says here that its dramas and series have become primary for daytime and prime time viewing in the Philippines. Korean drama has become hits in the 2000s.

    Korean dramas are fun to watch. However, sometimes there are cultural differences that resist non-Koreans from fully understanding what is happening in the drama.

    I, myself, a great fan of Korean dramas because they are so pro-women and provide an ideal man which is my explanation for why they are so popular with Filipinos. I simply love Korean entertainment

    Genre of a Drama

    Have you ever wondered what are the genres of a drama? What is the purpose of it? Even the form and features? The structure and plot?

    The purpose of a drama is to entertain, to draw emotion to present an experience for the audiences. Dramatic structure has been compared to the tying and untying of a knot. Drama, what life is made of. It is the ins and outs of our everyday life.

    As I was surfing the net, I've found out that a drama has its three classifications of types. These are the Lyric, Drama, and Epic.

    The lyric includes all the short forms of poetry, e.g., song, ode, ballad, elegy, sonnet. Typically, the subject matter is expressive, whether of personal emotions, such as love or grief, or of public emotions, such as patriotism or reverence or celebration. 

    The drama presents the actions and words of characters on a stage. The conventional formal arrangement into acts and scenes derives ultimately from the practice in Greek drama of alternating scenes of dialogue with choral sections. 

    The epic, in the classical formulation of the three genres, referred exclusively to the "poetic epic." It was of course in verse, rather lengthy (24 books in Homer, 12 books in Virgil), and tended to be episodic.

    A drama is intended to reflect human behavior and action in the midst of crisis and everyday life.

    Without drama, there is no life. Drama is about the pains and aches, the fighting, the growing, the search for self, and the search for peace. 

    Several genres exist in drama, each with their own character types and dramatic approach. 
    There are four main genres of drama:
    • Tragedy 
    • Tragicomedy 
    • Melodrama
    • Comedy
    The tragedy (Ancient Greek: τραγῳδία, tragōidia, "he-goat-song") is a form of drama based on human suffering that invokes in its audience an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in the viewing

    The tragicomedy is a literary genre that blends aspects of both tragic and comic forms. Most often seen in dramatic literature, the term can variously describe either a tragic play which contains enough comic elements to lighten the overall mood or, often, a serious play with a happy ending.

    The melodrama refers to a dramatic work that exaggerates plot and characters in order to appeal to the emotions. It may also refer to the genre which includes such works, or to language, behavior, or events which resemble them.

    The comedy, in the contemporary meaning of the term, is any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy.

    As I was surfing the net, I got crossed on this article entitled Interactive Drama, is it really a new genre by David Oso, it is all about how to create a genre of a drama.

    It also stated here that the latest genre created was under strategy games. And the newest genre appeared to be Interactive Drama.

    Having an emotion of a character and a player, you can easily connect with them.

    In my own point of view, drama film is a genre that looks forward to the emotional and relational development of realistic characters

    A genre consecrates the literary form or type into which works are classified according to what they have in common, either in their formal structures or in their treatment of subject matter, or both.

    For me, drama is the reliance of a large scale emotional alteration. 

    A Theatre

    Before, people do watch in the theater to see a drama live. They want to feel the intensity of the story and how it was done by the character who portray the role. But nowadays, theater is no longer popular with some of us. We usually buy a DVD copy to watch it at home, and some go to the cinema watch a movie.

    I seldom download a movie on internet and watch it alone. I don't go to theaters, unless it is required to my course. There is no one who doesn't know what is happening inside a theater. But some of us don't appreciate it. Before, I go to PETA and watch a play entitled "William".

    I was about to look of an information of that play and suddenly I came across in this article Understanding Shakespeare in WilliamIt says in this article, that everyone knows William Shakespeare but not about his life. And that's why PETA introduce this play to all students. It was done in a theater.

    I could say that a play needed a lot of time to prepare, and then I looked for an article about how to prepare onstage performance, and I saw this article on How to Prepare For a Stage Performance. A theater should use a sound effects, light effects, and a good place to perform.

    Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place.

    Zarzuela is a Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes, the latter incorporating operatic and popular song, as well as dance.

    In the Philippines, the zarzuela (or sarsuwela) was supported financially by Imelda Marcos. In addition, Zarzuela Ilocana has been staged in the Ilocano dialect.

    There is also a strong tradition in the Philippines where it is also known as sarswela/sarsuela.

    Today, theater includes performances of plays and musicals. Although it included an opera and ballet.

    In the Philippines, many talents are first made known in the field of theater arts. In fact, theatre arts have been part of the Filipino tradition and serve effectively as a medium of social awareness. It is also a means of generous and artful way of expressing opinions and talents.

    As part of the Philippine tradition, theater arts use in many festivals and occasions are celebrated in the country.

    Today, the theatre industry is one of the factors that brings the Philippines into the world’s spotlight. Many famous theatrical productions are played in other countries while they open doors to our Filipino talents for world class performances.

    Korean Theatre is theatre done on stage by Koreans or within Korea or by overseas Koreans. Korean theatre remains vibrant today. Korean theatre before the 20th century was more 'performance' than 'drama'. There was no plot driven drama, and all the performative presentations, including dance, shaman ritual, and circus were called Nolum (놀음) or Yeonhee (연희), which means 'playing'.

    In my point of view, without theater it would not be an enjoyable experience for any of us who really want more to watch a play live or personally. Theater can use different type of styles just to make it real, they can use water for rain, sounds for wind, lights for sun and some things for chairs.

    Being a performing artist, it's not easy to perform in a theater play, and you should have the talent or potential capability to act, sing and dance to stage and provide an entertainment to a lot of audience.

    Theater has a lot of contribution to our beloved country, the Philippines. It brings into the world's spotlight. And some of our performing artists play for world class performances.

    Entertainment: Philippines

    Do Filipinos know the early days of Philippine TV Entertainment? There are 3 stations that provide entertainment, it can be Game Shows, Noon Time Shows, Cartoons, Drama/Actions, and even News. Yes, I really love watching TV. This hobby makes me happy everyday, especially when I'm bored.

    I usually watch local shows. Me and my family are only attached to one station, and it was GMA 7. Because GMA was entertaining when it comes to their shows. They are complete with their entertainment techniques, and they know what the Filipino wants/tastes in any shows. They always have new style and making new trends. Actually, I don't know more about the other stations, but all I know is, the shows of the other station are copying the style of GMA. 

    Why I choose the network of GMA? Is there any connections with Korean Dramas? Besides of watching local shows, I am attracted into Korean things, like, songs and dramas.

    Philippine TV, let's say the two stations, GMA and ABS-CBN, aired Korean Dramas. And that's why Filipinos now are influenced by Korean culture. The first Korean Drama I watched is Jewel in the Palace which GMA aired. That was the time I'm attached to Korean dramas.

    Before I totally forget, What is Philippine Drama? What is Entertainment?

    According to Wikipedia. Philippine drama (also known as teleserye , teledrama , and P-drama) is a television form of melodramatic serialized fiction. It is rooted from two words: "tele", which is short for "television," and "serye", a Tagalog term for "series" and "drama" for drama.

    Entertainment is an action, event or activity that aims to entertain, amuse and interest an audience ("audience" can consist of one or more people). The audience may have a passive role, as in the case of persons watching a play or opera, a television show or a movie, or active, as in the case of a video game.

    Entertainment in the Philippines has greatly gained advantage by the television and cinemas. It can be noticed that every day, there are so many people attached to their TV just to get their daily happiness of entertainment. In effect, it is clear that the everyday lives of all Filipinos are influenced by TV shows and TV personalities.

    Aside from that, some Filipinos entertain themselves by watching films produced both locally and Korean. Because Philippine TV aired Korean dramas many times, directors and producers in the Philippines do their best in order to have a unique and touching film concept that will capture the hearts of many Filipinos. That's why they come up to the idea of having a Filipino version of Korean dramas.

    I can say that, Korean dramas really influenced the Philippine TV to make their series popular with us. And most Filipinos are really attached to Korean culture. That is why some Philippine TV decided to have their own version of Korean dramas.

    Korean Drama of Early Days

    What is Korean drama? Have you asked yourself where does Korean dramas came from? What is the Cultural life and History of Korea? These are the questions that are bothering me.

    I never put any attraction to Korean dramas and culture, until I get addicted watching it. Korean dramas for me came from Korea. And I don't know more about it, so I looked for an answer to my questions and I came across in this article that says everything about the Early Days of Korean Drama.

    "Korean drama had its origin in the religious rites of prehistoric days. During the Shilla Kingdom (57 B. C. -935) dance movements and musical accompaniment were developed into a kind of drama called Ch'oyong." stated in the article I read.

    The Ch'oyong was not a drama by the definition itself. Ch'oyong is a traditional Drum Dance of Korea. "The Drum Dance of Ch'oyong derives from the second dance of a two-dance suite that is said to have originated during the reign of King Hon'gang (r. 875-886), the forty-ninth ruler of the Silla kingdom." The dramatic elements that followed a narrative story line are included, it was also made up of a set of dramatic dances. Dancing with music has always been included in Korean classical shows of all kinds regardless of their official theme as dance or drama.

    The Sandae drama of the Koryo Dynasty (918-1392) contains more defining dramatic elements than the Ch'oyong. It was performed on stage by masked actors following a script with a story and occasional spoken lines. Dances and songs dominated the play.

    The sandae was further developed during the Choson Dynasty (1392-1910), when it became one of the official functions of the court. Eventually, it lost royal patronage and became an entertainment for the common people. This most representative of Korean classic dramas found wide popular acceptance, as the subjugated masses of agrarian Korean society found solace in the humorous, satirical mask dramas that ridiculed the privileged class--Buddhist priests and the yangban aristocrats.

    In my point of view, without the prehistoric days of Korea, or even their culture. There would never be a Korean drama created today. The old fashioned of their drum dance tradition was made up of dramatic dances, that they used to create a classic show. And they started to create a drama, that filled with emotions to touch the heart of the watchers.

    Welcome to my page!

    Good day! My name is Kimberly Ann B. Tapulgo, I'm a third year student and I'm currently taking up Business Management in Asia Pacific College. 

    So what I am going to write in my blog? I choose to write here about the Korean dramas. Which I addicted to watching.

    Actually, this is my very first time to make a blog. And still I don't know how to start. It's a blog all about Koreanovelas wherein everyone is titillating than Filipino dramas. :) I can tell something about Korean dramas, because I also do love watching it. This days, all teenagers and adults are fond of watching Koreanovelas. Even though they don't understand their language they still watch it. Their dramas can be related in our life.

    I'm doing this blog not only because I want my readers to know why Filipinos are addicted to Korean dramas but for me to make my research paper more easier that is required for my Research Writing class.

    Hope you'll enjoy staying and reading my blog! I accept Comments or any Suggestions for  my future posts.  Have fun fellas. :)