Monday, October 29, 2012

Korean Dramas enamour the Filipinos heart

I've been fascinated watching Korean dramas the first time it was aired on Philippine TV. I got glued in their dramas.

Have you been attracted to Korean dramas? How did you notice that you're becoming addicted into it?

As I was surfing the net, I came across in this article entitled Korean Dramas Continue to Captivate the Philippines wrote by Jonathan M. Hicap a Korea times correspondent.

It says here that its dramas and series have become primary for daytime and prime time viewing in the Philippines. Korean drama has become hits in the 2000s.

Korean dramas are fun to watch. However, sometimes there are cultural differences that resist non-Koreans from fully understanding what is happening in the drama.

I, myself, a great fan of Korean dramas because they are so pro-women and provide an ideal man which is my explanation for why they are so popular with Filipinos. I simply love Korean entertainment


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