Wednesday, November 7, 2012

HW 1: Background of the Survey

As the term goes by and the Final is fast approaching, I have done my research paper through this blog. And this is composed of three chapters where I had recently finished the introductory part of the first chapter of my research paper which consist of a statement of the problem, significance of my study, scope and delimitation, material and method, and lastly the definition of terms.

The first chapter of my research paper contents is that most of the Filipinos are influenced by the culture of the Koreans. Most especially their dramas, that even the Philippine entertainment are adapting their way of creating a drama and their own concept.

What do you expect I know about this topic? I knew some, but I don’t know too much. I can give you little information but not a lot. I don’t do watch Koreanovelas always but I assure you I can tell about my favorite dramas, instead.

I know that Koreanovelas went go popular to our beloved country, the Philippines. Me, some of my friends, my mom, and my aunts watch Korean dramas. They prove to me that Korean dramas nowadays, got their attention and glued to their television to watch as well.

What is so funny about these Korean dramas? There is no love scene, no open mouth kissing, no profanity and no real violence. And they all have subtitles so we can understand it. Even though we Filipinos can’t understand their language, we still watch it. And ofcourse, we’ve got influenced.


I am always asking myself what are the things or information I still don’t know yet. I’m still wondering why these kind of drama got our attention and why we are fond to watch it instead of our local dramas? That’s why I’m searching and looking an answer to my unanswered questions.

Seriously speaking, I don’t know who are the people who actually know what I don’t know. But I’m looking forward to know these people so I could get some answer to my questions.

To proceed to the next chapter, I decided to produce a survey question to contribute some information about what people sensuous to Korean drama and for me to do the chapter too easy. And I'm expecting that I can get the answer I used to have. Whereby I can use it to my researches.


Unknown said...

Background of the Survey: 10/10

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