Saturday, December 15, 2012

HW 10: Korean Dramas: Characters

Why do you love watching Korean drama? Is it because of the cute and handsome male actors with pretty leading lady? Or is it because of the story itself? HAHAHA! You can never lie. I do love Korea drama because of its story and of its characters.

I have a lots of crushes when it comes to Korean actors, I also admire pretty leading lady. I also love partnering them with other actor or actresses. But I really love it because I can relate to its story and want a real fantasy.

I have here the list of Korean actors not only me admired the most but also others

Lee Min-ho of Boys Over Flowers 

 Ji Chang Wook of Smile, Dong Hae

Kim Soo-hyun of Dream High

Rain of Full house

And lot more, I can say that having these cute actor in a drama would make every girl watch a TV series. That is why all of their viewers are all girls, some are guys maybe.

In my own perception, these actors made every girl or viewer attracted to their drama. And that is why Filipino viewers love watching Korean drama.


Unknown said...

Article 4: 8/10

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